Healthcare IT Management for smart workplace practices

Information on Prenatal Technologies

The process of getting information on a technology can be tricky, so a couple of examples will be given to illustrate how to go about it. During pregnancy ,  mother might find it a good idea to test  skills at getting information on a technology and to see how willing the midwife, nurse or doctor is to provide full, unbiased information.It is likely that a routine ultrasound scan will be suggested fairly early in your pregnancy. This presents a perfect opportunity to ask a few questions: “What is the chance the scan will make things worse? Is such a scan safe?” If the answer is a flat “Yes, ultrasound scanning during pregnancy is safe,” alarm bells should start going off in your head, because you are not getting the full information.The data on the safety of prenatal ultrasound,” in order to check on what you may be told about the data on the safety of prenatal ultrasound. The main issue here is  because there is not sufficient scientific data to prove the safety of prenatal ultrasound.” Some research has shown the possibility that ultrasound can cause slowed growth of the fetus while still in the uterus. Other research has shown the possibility that some children who have been scanned while still in the uterus may later have mild neurological deficits.


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