Call for Abstract

9th World Congress on Midwifery and Womens Health, will be organized around the theme “Midwives Leading the Way with Quality Care in COVID-19 Pandemic”

Midwifery Congress 2021 is comprised of 12 tracks and 27 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Midwifery Congress 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Pediatrics is a branch of medicine that plays a major role in the practice of midwifery. It involves competent nurses/midwives to practice the management of primary health care for women and their infants, children, and adolescents. Building on the framework of midwifery and adolescent development, it provides direct care to women and children and stimulates healthy habits that reduce the risk of discomfort and disease. Midwives are the primary caregiver for pregnant women, they may also be called obstetricians. Pediatric nurses often assist physicians by providing medical care and disease information and treatment plans to their young patients. Pediatricians work in hospitals, clinics and are also involved in private practices. Midwives practice in hospitals and private medical clinics and can also deliver in birthing centers and attend home births. Some competent practitioners also work in academic institutions as professors. They are effective enough to prescribe drugs, treatments, medical devices, therapeutic and diagnostic measures. They can provide medical care to women from puberty to menopause and include the care of their newborn (neonatal), intrapartum, antepartum, non-surgical, and postpartum gynecologic care.


  • Track 1-1Infant
  • Track 1-2Obstetricians
  • Track 1-3Home Births
  • Track 1-4Intrapartum

The spontaneous loss of a woman's pregnancy before the twentieth week can be physically painful and show emotion. Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss and which sometimes occurs as a result of the fetus does not commonly develop.

Symptoms include fluid, blood, or tissue passing from the canal and pain in the abdomen or lower back. It is also common to feel sadness or grief.

Unfortunately, the miscarriage method cannot be reversed once it has started. However, medications or procedures like dilation and a surgical process will stop some forms of complications. In addition, the content and the support area are spread throughout the region.

  • Track 2-1Twentieth Week of Pregnancy

The word “postpartum” suggests that “after birth”, hence “postpartum depression” only refers to depression when the baby is born. for many women this term is correct: they begin to experience depression one day during the primary year when they need the baby.

the term "perinatal depression" to explain this case. The word "perinatal" describes the time throughout gestation or simply during birth. Researchers believe that depression is one of the most common problems women face during and during gestation.

• Extremely unhappy or suddenly angry

• Hazy or disturbing finishing tasks

• "Robotics", as if they were simply going through the movements

• Very anxious around the baby and his different children

• Guilty and as if they failed kinship

• Unusually irritable or angry

They generally have jointly:

• Little interest in the things they are used to dreaming about

• Scary and confusing thoughts that do not leak

  • Track 3-1postpartum depression
  • Track 3-2perinatal depression

Perinatal asphyxia is the medical condition resulting from the deprivation of oxygen in a newborn baby that lasts long enough throughout the birth process to cause physical damage, sometimes to the brain.

• CAUSES: prenatal causes

• Inadequate oxygenation of maternal blood due to hypoventilation throughout anesthesia, heart disease, pneumonia, metastatic failure

• Low maternal pressure due to cardiovascular disease e.g. compression of the vein and arteries, excess anesthesia.

• Premature separation of the placenta

Placental insufficiency

• Intrapartum causes

• Insufficient relaxation of the uterus due to excess oxytocin

• extended delivery

• Tying the fetal membrane around the child's neck.

  • Track 4-1Perinatal asphyxia
  • Track 4-2Hypoventilation
  • Track 4-3Anesthesia
  • Track 5-1Breastfeeding
  • Track 5-2Terminal medical
  • Track 5-3infectious medical waste
  • Track 5-4Child Health

From fertilization to childbirth, motherhood needs several stages in a woman's body. one of these stages is when an embryo travels to the uterus to attach itself. In an ectopic pregnancy, the embryo does not attach to the uterus. Instead, it could attach to the fallopian tube, abdominal cavity, or cervix.

According to the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), postural pregnancies occur in about one in fifty (20 in a thousand) pregnancies.

An untreated pregnancy is a medical emergency. Prompt treatment lowers your risk of pregnancy-related complications, increases your chances of future healthy pregnancies, and reduces future health complications.

 Symptoms include:

All sexually active women are at some risk of ectopic pregnancy. Risk factors increase with any of the following:

• maternal age of 35 years or more

• history of pelvic surgery, abdominal surgery or multiple abortions

• history of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)

• history of endometriosis

• conception that occurs despite tubal ligation or an intrauterine device (IUD)

• conception assisted by drugs or fertility procedures.

• to smoke

• history of ectopic pregnancy

• history of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), such as gonorrhea or chlamydia

• have structural abnormalities in the fallopian tubes that prevent the egg from traveling.


  • Track 6-1Fallopian Tube
  • Track 6-2Chlamydia
  • Track 6-3Medical Emergency
  • Track 6-4Abdominal Cavity

Promoting and supporting breastfeeding is an integral part of the role of the midwife. These aspects of the role, however, will create dilemmas and conflicts for midwives. Conflicts arise from the way midwives acquire their breastfeeding information, which, if not used appropriately, will weaken breastfeeding women. The promotion of breastfeeding will create a dissonance between the conscious alternative offering and what midwives see as coercion. The problem of your time greatly undermines midwifery support for breastfeeding mothers and the dichotomies between evidence-based observations and experiential / personal experiences can result in inappropriate care for breastfeeding mothers.

Midwives will overcome many conflicts within their role by obtaining a lot of data about breastfeeding, learning the art of excellent communication and through thoughtful personal experiences.


  • Track 7-1Breastfeeding Women
  • Track 7-2Art of excellent communication

Stem cell transplant (SCT) is rare in newborns or infants, there has been an associated nursing report encouraging survival rate; yet as there are studies pointing TSS in infants as a questionable treatment. Lung disease remains one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in newborns. Cellular medical aid and regenerative drugs have the potential to revolutionize the management of dangerous and debilitating respiratory organ diseases that currently lack effective treatments.


  • Track 8-1Morbidity and Mortality in Newborns
  • Track 8-2Cellular medical aid
  • Track 8-3Lung disease

Preconception care involves providing medications, activities, and social health interventions to women and couples before conception. It aims to improve their health status and reduce individual and environmental behaviors and factors that contribute to poor maternal and child health outcomes. Its goal is to improve the health of mother and child, both short and long term.

 Its objective is to improve maternal and child health,

            Pre-conception care has a positive effect on a range of health outcomes.

            Reduce maternal and infant mortality.

            Prevent unwanted pregnancies.

            Prevent complications during pregnancy and childbirth.

            Prevent stillbirths, premature births, and low birth weight.

            Prevent birth defects.

            Prevent neonatal infections.


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  • Track 9-1Infant Mortality
  • Track 9-2Prevent birth defects

Women's health has long been a matter of concern, but nowadays it has reached a point of supreme concern. In general, men and women share comparative health challenges; the only difference is that women's health deserves special attention. Often treated as the regenerative health of women, many gatherings argue for a broader definition of general women's health, better communicated as “Women's Health”.


  • Track 10-1Comparative Health Challenges
  • Track 10-2Regenerative Health of Women

Breast milk is considered as the perfect food for the baby. It protects the baby against various health related issues such as gastroenteritis and diarrhea, ear and chest infections, allergies and diabetes. Breastfeeding minimizes the risk of bleeding after the birth. An early stage of nutrition for the infants laid the stone from the mother’s milk.  Through the breast milk, immunity begins to develop in a child. Breast feeding also aids in managing weight of the mother eventually.

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NCI estimates that uterine or endometrial cancer will be diagnosed in an estimated 39,080 American women this year, more than twice the number of women who will be diagnosed with ovarian (female reproductive glands) and cervical (lower part of the uterus) cancers combined. However, in terms of 2007 deaths, due to ovarian cancer 15,280 women died, while deaths caused by uterine (7,400) and cervical (3,670) cancers are lower than half that number. A total of 26,350 deaths from cancers of the female reproductive system took place. Hence, to avoid these cancers, it's important to understand them. important cancers include cervical cancer caused by a type of virus called as human papillomaviruses (HPV), endometrial cancer due to elevated level of estrogens and ovarian cancer.

Recommended Women Health Conferences | Midwifery Meetings | Obstetrics Events | Conference Series LLC Ltd